The Closer We Get

Busy Busy Busy

Whilst working hard on finishing all the film’s post-production, I have been lucky to hold another rough-cut screening with an audience put together by the Stroke Association North West. This included stroke survivors and carers and was really productive  - both a forum for sharing experiences and offering support, and for giving us many ideas for outreach and marketing – in other words, getting the film to audiences. I hope we will do many more of these workshops.

I’ve also been privately screening the film with members of my family – quite an emotional experience as you can imagine – but all have been very supportive.

Maria Duvidzon, out latest and very wonderful intern, has now finished her post with us and we thank her so much for her work of many aspects of the film from logging footage, researching licensing and assisting on the Indiegogo campaign. Many of you will have heard from her in the course of the campaign and we know you will join with us to wish her all the best in her future arts career. The girl will go far!

Musician Malcolm Middleton continues work on our film score, creating some really beautiful music for us.

My biggest thanks goes to Alice Powell my editor, who has worked for almost two years on and off on the project and far beyond our initial expectations. To take on such a sensitive and personal film, to treat the material  - and me! - with such sensitivity and care and yet to always edit with clarity and precision, Alice has been a rock without which the film could not have been realised. I hope the finished film brings her all the praise she deserves for the vision she brought to the project.

Taking on some of Maria’s work will be my niece Zoe (pictured) who appears in the film and – as per se something of an expert on our family and its archive – will be working with us on the film website in August on its last push before it goes live.

In other news we’ve had a very exciting meeting about our future film trailer – it’ll be great to share with you a glimpse of the finished film, and we will announce when it goes live here so you can be the first to see it and to share it.

The wonderful Splice.TV are supporting our post-production grade and sound mix – that’s all the stuff that really buffs the film up nicely and Doug Haywood begins his sound design too. These are what much of your Indiegogo funds have gone towards and it’s worth every penny.

Lastly, the submission of the film the festivals starts now – the beginning of its journey out into the world!

all the best for now, Karen

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